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If you still have questions, please email
Where do you ship to?
Currently we only ship within South Africa
When will my order ship?
We ship boxes between the 25th and 30th of each month. To receive a box for the current month, you need to be subscribed no later than the first day of that month.
Can I skip a box?
No. You may cancel your subscription at any time and resubscribe, but if you do, you will be treated as a new customer.
How do I cancel a subscription?
You can use our subscriber portal which you will automatically be registered for when you subscribe to any of our boxes. When you cancel you will be refunded for any boxes that have been paid for that have not yet shipped.
Are there any cancellation fees?
Can I return a box?
Yes. You have 15 days to return your box. Shipping costs are at your own expense.